Taller Liderazgo Inclusivo- Equipos y Comunicación- Club Tigres UANL
Desarrollando habilidades de liderazgo con el equipo femenino de Club TIGRES UANL. Equipazo, super actitud, todas unas campeonas.
Desarrollando habilidades de liderazgo con el equipo femenino de Club TIGRES UANL. Equipazo, super actitud, todas unas campeonas.
For the first time, an exclusiveworkshop in Self-Awareness, oneof the competencies of theFeminine Leader Profile, wasoffered to Arab women in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia. Contact: Marwa Essam MarawaEssam96@gmail.com
As part of the “Informative Week to Women Abroad: Resilience,Entrepreneurship, and Development,” organized by the MexicanForeign Affairs Ministery, Guapalita offered a workshop in feminineleadership for a group of Mexican women […]
To celebrate International Women´s Day 2024, Guapalita organized its now official Feminine Inclusive Leadership Series, counting the participation of women from Mexico, Egypt, the United States, and Finland.
With the support of the MexicanEmbassy and the collaboration of thedevelopment agency Arabica Latina,Guapalita presented the content ofthe Leaderhip & Entrep. Program forLatin Women in Saudi Arabia. 236women registered. 70% […]
Every Tuesday from January 7th until February 25th, 2025, Guapalita and Arabica Latina will offer a two-hour online session for theLeadership and Entrepreneurship Program for Latin Women in Saudi Arabia […]