Even though I know and talk about the importance of self care for Highly Sensitive People I still have a hard time with it on occasion. Yesterday, I was in conflict, between my urge to just keep on working until all items were crossed off my to-do list and my desire to enjoy a walk.
The problem with saying I will go for a walk after the list is completed, is that I always add more to the list.
Especially for a Highly Sensitive Person enough sleep, time alone and time in nature are very important to feel balanced and grounded.
I have been working a lot over the last two weeks, yet I felt guilty about my desire to go for a walk.Growing up I often heard :”Work first, pleasure after.” ( Zuerst die Arbeit, dann das Vergnügen)
I enjoy my work very much but still struggle with enjoying time off to relax and rejuvenate. Work has a higher priority for me than taking time to rest.
Despite feeling guilty, I went for a nice walk on the frozen lake taking pictures and videos for my work. Before the walk I had felt tired, drained and was determined to get a lot of work done. After the walk I felt energized, joyful and light and got some work done in a short period of time.
I had set an intention to leave the house every day, a while ago. Following through on that intention helped me to make a healthy choice. I have noticed when I am relaxed and take care of myself on a regular basis it is easier to take care of my needs. When I am overwhelmed and stressed I am not able to make good choices.
Afterwards I used EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques to look at this core belief that work comes first and pleasure after. I discovered that work was a way to get my father’s attention. As a little girl,l decided to work as much as possible to get my father’s love and approval. A set of beliefs about work and leisure was formed and to this day influences me and my work habits.
I learned that my family motto has had some negative influence when taken too literally, yet it has also served me well and installed a strong work ethic and appreciation of work in me.
As I was tapping on feelings around this issue I also remembered evenings spent playing cards, afternoons at the pool and holidays in the mountains.
I may still feel a bit guilty about enjoying my time off but at least I know that I play as hard as I work.
Text and Photo by Karin Goldgruber
Karin Goldgruber writes about life as a Highly Sensitive Person HSP, how to reduce feelings of stress and overwhelm and how to find authentic answers to your life questions.
She is a Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner who specializes in working with Highly Sensitive People who experience problems in their relationship and work because of this innate trait.
As an HSP herself she has overcome many challenges and obstacles and encourages and empowers others to do the same.