By Dr. Patricia Zambrano
“Women together not even deceased”. Have you heard this saying? We have grown up in a world where competitiveness is constant; from there the belief of being better than the woman next to us has settled in our mind because represents our rival.
As a coach who works with the creation of conscience, I invite you to update this belief to make it powerful in today’s world. I firmly believe that for me, it is more useful to think in feminine brotherhood, than the competitiveness that obstructs women’s success around me. When I observe girls playing I realize that they always worry about including all girls in the game, so where does this thought of distrust among us come from?
Sorority is not in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, but it is a term that has been used for forty years. This word is derived from the brotherhood of women, the perception of themselves as equals that can ally, share and, above all, change their reality. The French call this new relationship between women sororité, from the Latin sor, whose meaning is sister. Italians say sororitá, and the English speakers call it sisterhood. However, the meaning for these words is the same: “friendship between different women and peers, accomplices who intend to work, create and convince, who meet and recognize in this brotherhood.”
Sorority is based on a friendship relationship since within the women’s group, we find a woman from whom we learn and whom we can also teach. A person who is accompanied and with whom we build ourselves. We are the mirror of others, which allows us to recognize ourselves through gaze and listening; criticism and affection; creation; and the experience from other women.
As Guapalitas, we live in brotherhood, trust, fidelity, support, and recognition among us to build a different world. To realize that since time ago there are women who work to achieve favorable social relationships for them and for the rest. We must always remember that we are all diverse and different. This is where our wealth lies, our power.
“I do not wish women to have power over men, but over themselves,” Mary Wollstonecraft.
“My idea of sisterhood is that every woman has the right to be herself and to do what she has to do to fulfill her mission of life”, P. Zambrano.
Her main objective is to accompany people and organizations to be better and achieve their goals and happiness.
ICC Certified Master Trainer.
ICC Team Coach, Life Coach, and Executive Coach.
Facebook: Paty Zambrano Coach
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Youtube: Paty Zambrano