In summer 2017, women from different countries took selfies, group pictures, and videos to participate in the campaign #I am Guapalita, a movement that aims to share the beauty and empowerment of the global woman through her roots, culture, and background. Each woman is amazingly unique!

With the participation of women from Mexico, Hong Kong, India, U.S.A., Canada, Jordan, Iran, Irak, Japan, South Corea, Portugal, Spain, U.A.E., Germany, Australia, U.K., Nigeria, Kenia, Poland, and some other countries of Latin America, Guapalita Women Empowerment happily started with the first bases of its movement.

We know every woman has her own voice to raise. Each one has a story to tell, some knowledge to share, and the willingness to keep evolving
herself. Our dream is to see more and more young generations empowered in leadership, confidence, and self-transformation.

We love promoting a feminist leadership model that involves self-care, collaboration, inclusion, dismantling bias, and sharing power as key aspects. The power of a community is endless.