#YoSoyGuapalita -Worldwide Femenine Joy- ❤🌎


A festive week in which women from different countries shared with our community the joy of life through a series of selfies, group pictures in different locations around the world. Each woman is amazingly unique! From Mexico to Germany, Australia to Nigeria and US to Iran, our Guapa-Community displayed the beauty of their countries and […]

Guapalita.com – website launch

As our community continues to grow and the many voices are getting together, we completed a milestone in our journey. Guapalita website is launched on this day marking the completion of the first of many goals to accomplish together; a platform to inform, motivate and discuss venues to support growing together and impacting our local […]

I blog..You blog.. GUAPA-Blog! w. Global Collaborators

Excited to launch the "blog" area in our website with this our community truly has a voice! We've invited experts in different topics such Women Empowerment, High Sensitive People, Public Speaking and Inclusivity and much more. This is a true-collaborators support to nurture and grow together. We would be delighted to hear what you want […]


During the pandemic, a group of women from different countries worked on the design of 10 competencies that, based on the principles and expectation from international organizations (UN, SDG2030), result in the Female Inclusive Leader Profile.    

World Speech Day Women

The coordinator of World Speech Day Women invited Aydeli Rios (representing Guapalita Empowering Equality) to participate in this worldwide podcast campaign.  

NGO CSW65-Virtual Forum2020 / Guapalita

NGO CSW/NY organizes the civil society side of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The NGO CSW Forum runs parallel to the events occurring within the UN Headquarters. This provides civil society the opportunity to engage in the processes and events of CSW without ECOSOC-accreditation or a UN grounds pass.

Pilot Program – Feminine Inclusive Leadership – Esslingen, Germany

  We are thrilled to share that our Pilot Program "My Self-Discovery" took place in Esslingen, Germany this spring 2022. Inspired to develop "Feminine Inclusive Leadership Competencies towards 2030", a multicultural group of women had the opportunity to learn about Self-Assessment and Self-Awareness as the foundation of this wonderful learning journey. All topics are prepared […]

Feminine Inclusive Leadership Series

A fabulous group of expert ladies from different countries and credentials participated in the 1st Feminine Inclusive Leadership Series discussing the Guapalita top 10 Competencies Vision 2030.


For the first time, an exclusiveworkshop in Self-Awareness, oneof the competencies of theFeminine Leader Profile, wasoffered to Arab women in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia. Contact: Marwa Essam MarawaEssam96@gmail.com